Ryde on Rating and the Council Tax is the most authoritative work on rating available and has been relied upon by the legal profession, local government and valuers since the turn of the century. It offers a comprehensive collection of the relevant statutory materials and the latest practice notes for both non-domestic rates and council tax and is accompanied by detailed commentary.
This well-established work covers everything from recovery of rates and council taxes to exemptions and relief and includes valuable chapters on appeals and insolvency, making it the only work on this subject that practitioners need. The full coverage of all statutes, statutory instruments, rules and orders as well as detailed analysis of the relevant case law means the reader has no chance of missing vital developments which could affect his or her advice to clients.
Quoted with approval in court decisions, Ryde on Rating has received much critical acclaim for its authoritative commentary on the law and offers the reader the most comprehensive information source on rating law.
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