Encyclopaedia of Banking Law Looseleaf 2nd ed
ISBN13: 9780406998101
Latest Release: February 25, 2025
Publisher: LexisNexis Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 5 Volumes (6 Binders)
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go
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The Encyclopaedia of Banking Law is an expert and comprehensive treatment of the modern English law relating to domestic and international banking. It is the most comprehensive work on banking law, divided into 15 sections with text and materials in each subject area. Encyclopaedia of Banking Law includes tables of cases and statutes, tables of contents by subject division, an invaluable subject index and also contains a full range of non-statutory materials.
Key benefits of The Encyclopaedia of Banking Law:
- Comprehensively revised and updated, Encyclopaedia of Banking Law draws together material from a wide range of sources including company law, trusts and investor protection legislation to make it the one-stop reference guide for all those involved in banking law.
- Division F1 focuses on Islamic Financial Institutions and Islamic Finance.
- Service issues expand the range of the work as current banking practice requires and give the reader a solid background to this ever-diversifying area of law.
- The Encyclopaedia of Banking Law Service has also been revised and updated to include full coverage and interpretation of the Banking Act 2009.
Subscription Information: 7 updating releases per year, charged separately on publication.