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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Legal Ethics: Text and Materials isbn 9780521606004

Legal Ethics

Richard O'DairLecturer in Law, University College London

ISBN13: 9780406997586
ISBN: 0406997586
New Edition ISBN: 0521606004
Published: January 2001
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This new title examines all issues concerned with legal ethics. Part one looks at lawyers' ethics including professionalism and the English legal profession and professional regulation. Part two addresses specific topics in legal ethics including confidentiality, criminal defence and prosecution, counselling, negotiation and conflict of interest.

Reprinted with ISBN: 9780521606004

Professional Conduct and Ethics
Part I. Lawyers' Ethics - General Issues: 1. Introduction and case study; 2. Philosophical foundations of professional ethics; 3. Professionalism and the English legal profession; 4. Professional regulation
Part II. Topics in Legal Ethics: 5. Advocates' role in an adversary system; 6. Confidentiality; 7. Criminal defence and prosecution; 8. Negotiation; 9. Counselling; 10. Fees; 11. Conflict of interest.