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Introduction to Intellectual Property Law 4th ed

ISBN13: 9780406997579
ISBN: 0406997578
Published: December 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £63.99

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The fourth edition of this popular and well-regarded book has been fully updated to take account of the drastic reforms that have occurred as a result of requirements to comply with EC directives. In addition, an increasing body of international guidelines has been issued. This new edition includes the extensive amendments to the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, the European Patent Convention, the Patent Co-operation Treaty, the Madrid Agreement, the Agreement on Trade-related aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, the WIPO Copyright Treaty and the Performances and Phonograms Treaty.Concentrating on topics of particular practical importance and interest in a stimulating and concise way, this book will be of great interest to both students and practitioners and is a valuable introduction to the subject.

Intellectual Property Law
PART I; Introduction; 1. What is intellectual property?; 2. Protectability of intellectual property
PART II; Inventions; 3. Protecting inventions; 4. Inventions and the patents system; 5. The patentability of an invention; 6. Obtaining a patent; 7. The consequences of obtaining a patent; 8. Infringement and revocation; 9. The patent and legal policy
PART III; Copyright; 10. The concept of copyright; 11. Author's works; 12. Derivative works; 13. Infringement; 14. Subsistence, protection and erosion of copyright
PART IV; Pseudo-Copyright; 15. Public lending right; 16. Resale royalty rights; 17. Performers' protection; 18. Moral rights
PART V; Rights in information and reputation; 19. Fair and unfair competition; 20. Breach of confidence and passing off; 21. Registered trademarks; 22. Character merchandising, franchising and sponsorship
PART VI; Some topics of current interest; 23. Problems with new technology; 24. Protection of industrial designs; 25. The protection of plant varieties; 26. Copyright infringement: authorisation and secondary infringement; 27. Intellectual property rights and the European Community; 28. Intellectual property on the international stage; Index