Butterworths Costs Services Looseleaf
ISBN13: 9780406996442
Latest Release: March 03, 2025
Publisher: LexisNexis Subscriptions
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Looseleaf, 2 volumes
Subscription Type: Pay-as-you-go
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Butterworths Costs Service contains a complete statement and explanation of the law relating to contentious costs of civil proceedings, costs in criminal proceedings, non-contentious costs, public funding and counsel's remuneration. The material is arranged in divisions corresponding to individual jurisdictions and each contains narrative, full texts of relevant source materials, full precedents of relevant bills of costs, practice directions and detailed cross-references.
Key features of Butterworths Costs Service:
- Offers a single, complete source of reference
- Includes model forms of bills of costs
- Provides the text of landmark judgments, or relevant extracts from them, in cases which establish important matters of principle or practice relating to costs.
Subscription Information: 4 updating releases per year, charged separately on publication.