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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Carter-Ruck on Libel and Privacy 6th ed isbn 9781405734523

Carter-Ruck On Libel and Slander 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780406992482
ISBN: 0406992487
New Edition ISBN: 9781405734523
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406123179
Published: January 1997
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Carter-Ruck on Libel and Slander is an essential purchase for every practitioner involved with the law of defamation or the law of contempt.

Consisting of an account of the law of defamation in over 50 different countries, it includes coverage of three additional jurisdictions: Eastern Europe, Malaysia and Singapore.

It takes account of the Defamation Act 1996 and will be of value to all those whose activities take them into the international field.

Tort Law
"1. Introduction;2. The infancy and development of the law of defamation;3. Distinctions between diferent types of action - What the plaintiff must prove;4. Definition of defamation innuendo;5. Identification;6. Publication;7. Parties;8. Slander;9. Injurious falsehoods;10. Justification;11. Fair comment;12. Absolute privilege;13. Qualified privilege;14. Offer of amends;15. Summary disposal of claims;16. Other defences;17. Remedies;18. Criminal libel;19. Blasphemous, seditious or obscene libel;20. Newspapers;21. Publishers, printers and authors;22. Printers, newsvendors, booksellers and distributors;23. Company directors, industrial magazine editors, television producers, film producers and politicians;24. Contempt;25. Jurisdiction. Recognition and enforcement of foreign judgements. Publication abroad. Foreign plaintiffs;26. International law;27. Law of defamation in Australia;28. Law of defamation in Canada;29. Law of defamation in other countries (1) Argentina - Brunei Darussalam;30. Law of defamation in other countries (2) Channel Islands - Guyana;31. Law of defamation in other countries (3) Hong Kong - Malaysia;32. Law of defamation in other countries (4) The Netherlands - Russia;33. Law of defamation in other countries (5) Scotland - Zimbabwe;Appendix;Statues"