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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Designs Law and Practice 3rd ed isbn 9781474320160

Intellectual Property in Designs

ISBN13: 9780406976253
ISBN: 0406976252
New Edition ISBN: 9781474320160
Published: August 2005
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Intellectual Property in Designs is a comprehensive yet practical reference source for the various IP rights protecting designs. Providing guidance on individual circumstances where clients need to be advised about an infringement or the protection for a design, the title includes examples and illustrations of infringements and designs that are or are not protectable.

Written by an experienced IP author and practitioner, with contributions from foreign contributors, it covers UK and EU-wide law as well as other major jurisdictions such as the US, Japan and China.

Intellectual Property Law
Part I: Design Rights in the UK.
1.Introduction and historical background.
2. Registered Designs: UK transitional provisions.
3.The Old Law of UK Registered Designs.
4.The New Law of UK Registered Designs and Community Designs.
5.Interpretation of the New Law of Community and Registered Designs.
6.The Law of UK Unregistered Design Rights.
7.Threats of Infringement Proceedings.
Part II: Design Rights in Jurisdictions outside the UK.
13.The United States.