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A new edition was published, see:
Age Discrimination isbn 9781845924591

Age Discrimination - A Guide to the Forthcoming Law

ISBN13: 9780406973092
ISBN: 0406973091
New Edition ISBN: 9781845924591
Published: November 2004
Publisher: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Publication Abandoned

Abandoned before Publication

The government has recently announced its intention to bring in new legislation in 2006 with the intention of combating age discrimination in the workplace. Currently UK employees over the age of 65 are not protected from unfair dismissal or eligible for statutory redundancy payments. The government wants to make it easier for workers to carry on working beyond the age of 65. Mandatory retirement ages are fixed by employers, which state when employees are expected to retire.

The new legislation will obviously have a cost related impact on UK employers in terms of pension entitlements, health insurance costs, employer's liability insurance, redundancy pay and skill shortages. The idea behind the handbook is to clarify the new legislation, the subsequent requirements that employers will have to comply with an will provide good practice guidance so employers are prepared for the new law when it comes into force in 2006.

Discrimination Law
1. Introduction, The Employers Forum on Age
2. Age Discrimination a practical overview of the forthcoming law
3. Age Discrimination the key issues for employers from a legal perspective
4. Age Discrimination overseas perspective US, Australia, New Zealand, Southern Ireland
5. Managing Employee Benefits
6. Implementing age diversity in the workplace7. UK Company Case Studies Learning from experience"