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Professional Negligence 4th ed

A.M. DugdaleProfessor of Law, University of Keele, K.M. StantonProfessor of Law, University of Bristol, J.E. ParkinsonReader in Law, University of Bristol

ISBN13: 9780406969736
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Publication Abandoned

Publication Abandoned
The fourth edition of Dugdale & Stanton is specifically structured to provide busy practitioners with detailed, authoritative and reliable commentary and guidance on professional negligence law. Now extensively revised and updated to cover the fundamental changes in recent years to tort liability for professional negligence, this new edition takes full account of major recent House of Lords decisions which have led in turn to the full revision of the chapters on negligent statements, negligent acts and limitations of actions.

The chapters on equity have been fully revised, and the new edition discusses the changing approach of appellate courts to such questions as economic loss, negligent statements and defective property, and considers possible future developments.

Tort Law
Contract. ;Tort. ;Equity. ;The standard of reasonable care. ;Extent of liability.; Responsibility for the acts of others. ;Restrictions on liability.