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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Bromley's Family Law 11th ed isbn 9780199580408

Bromley's Family Law 10th ed

ISBN13: 9780406959515
ISBN: 040695951X
New Edition ISBN: 9780199580408
Previous Edition ISBN: 0406063303
Published: October 2006
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Bromley's Family Law remains the most authoritative textbook on the subject and has been used by generations of both students and practitioners as a reliable source of guidance. It is both detailed and readable, and offers the fullest consideration of new developments and their impact on family law. It offers an especially thorough treatment of the international dimension, including the development of European principles of family law, which is becoming increasingly important for a full understanding of the subject.

It provides detailed accounts of all the new legislative developments, including the Civil Partnership Act 2004, the Gender Recognition Act 2004, the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004, the Adoption and Children Act 2002, the Revised Brussels II Regulation, the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and the Children and Adoption Bill 2005.

It discusses and analyses the case-law developments in the areas of ancillary relief, co-ownership of the family home, recognition of same-sex relationships and child law particularly care proceedings, section 8 orders, parental responsibility and international abduction. It sets all these in the context of social and political developments and law reform proposals.

New to this edition:-

  • The reorganisation of the chapters enables full consideration to be given to new developments such as civil partnership and the growing importance of cohabitation
  • Chapter 1 has been expanded to fully take into account the Human Rights Act 1998, the growing impact of the EU on family law and the 1996 Hague convention on the Protection of Children
  • Chapter 7 has been substantially rewritten due to the dropping of the 1996 Act reforms, and discusses how best to move forward from here
  • There is a new chapter entitled 'The Voice of the Child' which includes information on representing children, evidence, experts, and the Minister for Children
  • The chapter on adoption has been heavily revised in light of the Children and Adoption Act 2002

Family Law
1. Introduction
2. Formation and recognition of adult partnerships
3. The personal and property consequences of marriage, civil partnership and cohabitation
4. The family home
5. Domestic violence
6. Divorce and dissolution
7. Parents and children
8. Parental responsibility
9. Guardianship
10. The welfare principle
11. The voice of the child
12. The court's powers to make orders under Part II of the Children's Act 1989
13. International parental child abduction
14. Children and local authorities
15. Adoption
16. The High Court's inherent powers in respect of children
17. Financial Support for members of the family
18. Financial relief on divorce, dissolution, nullity and separation
19. The legal consequences of a death in the family ;