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 Keith Pugsley, Ken Miles

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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Local Government Contracts and Procurement 2nd ed isbn 9781845923129

Local Government Contracts and Procurement

ISBN13: 9780406948977
ISBN: 0406948976
New Edition ISBN: 9781845923129
Published: October 2002
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out Of Print

This new title will assist lawyers, purchasing managers and managers in client departments with complex contracts and offer guidance through the key stages of procurement: tendering , selecting, negotiating and managing commercial contracts in the context of Best Value.

Guidance and practical advice is offered in this highly important area, starting with the principles of procurement, detailing the UK and EU constraints moving through to the process of procurement and negotiating the contract. Contractual principles are discussed to clarify the concept of contractual liability and the legal relationship created.The work includes the contents of contracts for various local authority clients departments with sample clauses and hints on drafting techniques.

The sample clauses accompany case studies illustrating the procurement process from tendering and negotiating to drafting contracts. Access to Local Government Contracts and Procurement online, via Local Government Direct, is included as part of the purchase price. This will offer the added benefits of electronic delivery such as quick and easy search facilities. In addition, the user will be able to copy sample clauses to Word doc

Local Government Law, Contract Law
Part I Principles of Procurement
Part II Contracts - Contents, Principles and Management
Part III Specific features relevant to local government procurement
Part IV Case studies on construction, education, e-government, energy, housing and accommodation, leisure trusts, libraries, property outsourcing, social services and health and transport.