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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law of Contract 4th ed isbn 9780521606431

The Law of Contract 4th ed

Hugh CollinsProfessor of English Law, London School of Economics

ISBN13: 9780406946737
ISBN: 0406946736
New Edition ISBN: 0521606438
Published: July 2003
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Previous editions of this text have consistently been a favourite amongst common law lawyers. This new edition has been brought fully up to date and will be of interest to those studying 'advanced' obligations/common law modules. Undergraduates who study contract courses with a strong socio-legal tradition will also find this text invaluable as it uniquely grounds the nature of contract law in its social and political context.

Reprinted with ISBN: 9780521606431

Contract Law
1. Contract and market; 2. The transformation of the law of contract; 3. Tests of enforceability; 4. Consideration and the exchange model; 5. Estoppel and the reliance model; 6. The contractualization of social life; 7. Ascription of contractual responsibility; 8. Coercion and competitive markets; 9. The moment of responsibility; 10. The duty to negotiate with care; 11. Terms; 12. Mandatory obligations; 13. Fairness; 14. The range of liability; 15. Co-operation; 16. Agreed remedies; 17. Judicial remedies.