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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law of Restitution 3rd ed isbn 9780199296521

The Law of Restitution 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780406932440
ISBN: 0406932441
New Edition ISBN: 9780199296521
Published: July 2004
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Regularly cited in the English Courts and elsewhere, Burrows: The Law of Restitution 2nd edition builds on the reputation established by the first and will be welcomed by those practitioners, students and academics who have an interest in this increasingly important area.

The book continues to provide a comprehensive coverage of the subject including detailed examination of intensely practical subjects such as the limitation of actions and conflicts of laws. It also offers a detailed analysis of tracing and the debates concerning the 'knowing receipt' of property transferred in breach of trust, both of which have so perplexed practitioners (and courts) for the last two decades.

Its clear and concise layout will quickly bring the busy practitioner up to speed with the various issues surrounding the subject as well as guiding students through this complex subject quickly and easily.""

1. Fundamental ideas; 2. Tracing and subrogation; 3. Mistake; 4. Ignorance; 5. Duress; 6. Undue influence; 7. Exploitation of weakness; 8. Legal compulsion: compulsory discharge of another's legal liability; 9. Necessity; 10. Failure of consideration; 11. Incapacity as a ground for restitution; 12. Illegality as a ground for restitution; 13. Ultra vires demands by public authorities; 14. Restitution for wrongs; 15. Defences; 16. Miscellaneous issues: agency and the conflict of laws; Index