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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Manual of Civil Appeals 2nd ed (Old Jacket) isbn 9780406975829

Manual of Civil Appeals

ISBN13: 9780406929914
ISBN: 0406929912
New Edition ISBN: 0406975825
Published: August 2000
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This is the first and only book available to provide detailed guidance on the complete and complex process of making a civil appeal.From the decision to appeal onwards, the Manual of Civil Appeals addresses and clarifies the many questions and choices which arise at each stage, examining the law, principles, procedures and processes involved.

This work analyses and explains every aspect of the new procedure and provides practical guidance on the conduct of appeals.Manual of Civil Appeals will answer your questions on: What decisions are appealable? What are the potential grounds for appeal? Is permission to appeal required? How is permission to appeal obtained? And from whom? What procedural steps are required at each stage?The book brings together all the necessary material in just one volume:

All the new appeal rules with detailed commentary. All the relevant appeal case law considered in the context of the new regime. Detailed explanation and consideration of grounds of appeal. Explanation of terms connected with appeals. Implications of the Human Rights Act 1998. Extensive case law.The manual takes a practical 'how to' approach and uses diagrams, flowcharts and checklists to cl

Courts and Procedure
""1. Introduction2. Structure of Appeals3. Permission to Appeal4. Grounds for Appeal5. Procedure6. Stay of Execution Pending Appeal7. Security for Costs8. Appeals in Proceedings for Judicial Review9. Appeals to the House of Lords10. Applications to the ECTHR and the ECJAppendixIndex""