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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law Student's Dictionary 13th ed isbn 9780199218998

Mozley and Whiteley's Law Dictionary 12th ed

ISBN13: 9780406913586
ISBN: 0406913587
New Edition ISBN: 9780199218998
Published: March 2001
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Since 1876, this dictionary has supplied generations of students with a comprehensive yet concise guide to the language of the law. The new edition has been brought fully up to date in the light of changes that have taken place since the eleventh edition was published in 1993 and is an essential point of reference particularly for those needing access to the changes in legal terminology resulting from the final report and implementation of Lord Woolf's reform of civil justice.

As well as fulfilling the traditional reference book role the new edition has been enhanced by a careful revision of content and structure to enable it to meet even more closely the needs of law students at all levels. Entries relating to major areas of the law have been expanded so that key terms are introduced in context and related to other relevant terms within the same subject

This book provides an invaluable reference work for law students at GCSE, A Level and degree level and also for non-law students, professionals and anyone who encounters legal phraseology in the course of work or studies.
