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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Advertising Law and Regulation 2nd ed isbn 9781845924515

Advertising Law and Regulation

ISBN13: 9780406897701
ISBN: 0406897700
New Edition ISBN: 9781845924515
Published: December 1998
Publisher: Bloomsbury Professional
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This invaluable guide is the only book to focus specifically on advertising law and the myriad rules controlling the advertising industry. It covers all aspects of the law as it affects advertising, from European legislation and copyright law to libel and obscenity laws. It clearly explains the laws, statutes and self-regulatory codes that govern advertising and there are sections given to the specific issues affecting television, radio and cinema.

Presented in three parts, Part I deals with general legal issues affecting advertising, for instance malicious falsehood and passing off; Part II deals with rules applicable to advertisements for particular products and services, for instance advertisements for alcoholic drinks, or to particular types or methods of advertising, such as advertising to children or on the Internet; and Part III covers the main regulatory bodies and their codes.Advertising Law and Regulation is an essential reference work that can save practitioners hours of research time by providing all the information in one handy source and offers expert legal guidance in a complex area of law.

Reprinted with ISBN: 9781845927578

Media and Entertainment Law
Introduction. ;Finding the law. ;The Advertising Standards Authority.; Television and radio advertising. ;European regulation. ;Consumer protection legislation. ;Passing off. ;Copyright. ;Trademarks.;Contract. ;Libel.; Malicious falsehood and slander of title. ;Obscenity, indecency and blasphemy. ;Sex and race discrimination. ;Areas of advertising with special rules. ;Injunctions. ;Index. ;Appendices.