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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Law of Tort 2nd ed isbn 9781405712408

The Law of Tort

ISBN13: 9780406896728
ISBN: 0406896720
New Edition ISBN: 9781405712408
Published: June 2002
Publisher: LexisNexis Butterworths
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Out of Print

Butterworths Common Law Series
The law of tort occupies a central position in defining the legal obligations between individuals not to cause each other harm or injury. For academics it is a crucial area of study and for practitioners it is an essential area of knowledge. Covering a wide range of issues, from the characteristics of tortious liability to the abuse of the legal process, this new book provides an accessible, comprehensive and authoritative account of the law as it is and how it is likely to develop. It is an indispensable reference which will broaden the practitioner's understanding and knowledge of what is a fast-moving and complex area of law.

Tort Law
Part I:; Characteristics of tortious liability.; Capacity to commit a tort and to sue.; Vicarious liability and independent contractors.; Joint and several tortfeasors. ;General defences.; Damages and death.; Other remedies.
Part II:; Intentional interference with the person.; Intentional interference with land. ;Intentional interference with goods.; Defences to intentional torts.
Part III:; Negligence - Duty of care.; Negligence - Breach of duty (and proof). ;Negligence - Causation and damage. ;Breach of statutory duty.
Part IV:; Professional liability.; Governmental liability. ;Dangerous premises. ;Products liability.; Liability of employers. ;Liability for animals.
Part V:; Nuisance. ;Rylands v Fletcher and Fire. ;Part VI:; Defamation and privacy.; Economic torts.; Deceit and misrepresentation. ;Abuse of legal process.