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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
International Investment, Political Risk and Dispute Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide 2nd ed isbn 9780198808053

International Investment, Political Risk and Dispute Resolution: A Practitioner's Guide

ISBN13: 9780379215229
ISBN: 0379215225
New Edition ISBN: 9780198808053
Published: October 2005
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Political risk is a significant threat that cannot be ignored by companies engaged in direct international investment. A keen awareness of political risk, related international law, and the pre-investment and post-expropriation measures available, can reduce the damage resulting if political risk does manifest itself. International Investment, Political Risk, and Dispute Resolution provides a practical, sophisticated, and comprehensive discussion of all the relevant issues related to political risk. An ideal practitioner’s tool, this book clearly examines international law with a view to practical steps that can be taken to minimize political risk and to deal with expropriation when it occurs.

This book provides a systematic and careful explanation of the relevant background international law concepts and practice pertaining to expropriation of foreign investments by host governments, as well as an extensive analysis of the nature of political risk and its most common forms. Valuable appendices include sample agreements, treaties, model contract clauses, fee schedules, United States government and OECD country risk reports, and web resources.

International Trade, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Part I: Assessment and Pre-Investment Management of Political Risk
Chapter 1: Political Risk
Chapter 2: Structuring Transactions to Minimize Political Risk
Chapter 3: Investment Insurance
Part II: The International Law Framework of Investment Protection and Political Risk
Chapter 4: State Responsibility and Remedies Under Customary International Law
Chapter 5: History and Development of the Customary International Law of Expropriation and Investment Protection
Chapter 6: The Substantive Law of Contemporary International Investment Protection
Part III: Dispute Resolution and Political Risk
Chapter 7: Establishing Arbitral Jurisdiction
Chapter 8: Arbitration Procedure
Chapter 9: Conciliation of Investment Disputes
Chapter 10: Intervention of States in Investment Disputes
Tables and Index
Table of Cases
Table of Authorities