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Virtual Freedoms, Terrorism and the Law

Edited by: Giovanna De Minico, Oreste Pollicino

ISBN13: 9780367486709
Published: February 2021
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780367550172

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This book examines the risks to freedom of expression, particularly in relation to the internet, as a result of regulation introduced in response to terrorist threats.

The work explores the challenges of maintaining security in the fight against traditional terrorism while protecting fundamental freedoms, particularly online freedom of expression. The topics discussed include the clash between freedom of speech and national security; the multijurisdictional nature of the internet and the implications for national sovereignty and transnational legal structures; how to determine legitimate and illegitimate association online; and the implications for privacy and data protection. The book presents a theoretical analysis combined with empirical research to demonstrate the difficulty of combatting internet use by terror organizations or individuals and the range of remedies that might be drawn from national and international law.

The work will be essential reading for students, researchers and policy makers in the areas of Constitutional law; Criminal Law, European and International law, Information and Technology law and Security Studies.

Criminal Law, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Introduction, Giovanna De Minico and Oreste Pollicino xi
Every Day's Terrorism
Giovanna De Minico
Enforcement of the Right to Digital Privacy
Oreste Pollicino
Processing Personal Data on EU Cross-Border Movements to Fight Terrorism
Rosario Serra Cristobal
Cybersecurity and Data Protection in European Union Policies and Rules: the NIS Directive and the GDPR Synergy 63
Miriam Viggiano
Artificial Intelligence and the Right to Privacy in the Times of Terrorism 79
Maria Orefice
Fighting Terrorism Online: Censorship, Platforms and Freedom of Expression across the Atlantic
Giovanni De Gregorio
Freedom of Speech, Social Network in the Age of Terrorism: A Comparative Analysis
Fulvia Abbondante
Freedom of Expression behind the Incitement to Terrorism in a Globalised World by the Internet
German M. Teruel Lozano
Parameters towards a Fundamental Right of Accessing the Internet and its Restrictions: The Case of Terrorism
Claudio de Oliveira Santos Colnago
National Sovereignty, Security, and Internet Governance: Impact on Constitutional Principles and Challenges for Human Rights of Internet Users
Andrey Shcherbovich
Lovers, Rebels, and IVF-Blade Runners: an ANT Model for the Post-Human World
Mary Reisel
Internet and Non-nationals: Is the Net a Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion?
Maria Francesca De Tullio