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Problem-Solving Courts, Criminal Justice and the International Gold Standard: Reframing the English and Welsh Drug Courts

ISBN13: 9780367466107
Published: January 2021
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780367653866

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From an international perspective, this book presents findings from a process evaluation carried out at a problem-solving court located in England: Manchester Review Court. Unlike the widely documented successes of similar international problem-solving courts, there is no detail of this court in the accessible literature, not in any policy document, nor is there a court handbook or website outlining objectives and expected practice. In adopting the seminal 'wine' and 'bottle' analytical framework propounded by therapeutic jurisprudence scholars, and by carrying out a detailed comparative analysis comparing Manchester Review Court to successful international models, the original empirical data brings clarity to a significantly overlooked area. It uses the ten key drug court components an international yardstick to discuss areas of good practice, whilst enabling a drug court fidelity analysis of this court and the forerunning English and Welsh drug courts, which were established during the early 2000s, but then shortly fell by the wayside without satisfactory explanation. Findings shed new light on the causes of the drug court downfalls pending recent calls to roll-out a fresh suite of problem-solving courts. In light of the international evidence base and the national problems, the book proposes a renewed, UK-specific, fidelity matrix to forge the impetus for new practice in this area, whilst accounting for past failures and acknowledging current issues. Therefore, it not only breaks new ground by advancing knowledge of a significantly uncharted area but provides important inroads for helping policymakers with their strategies in tackling recidivism, addiction, victimisation, and austerity, as widespread social and human issues currently facing Manchester and the UK through justice innovation.

Presenting significant advancements in theory, policy and practice at both national and international scale, the book will be a valuable resource for academics and practitioners working in the fields of Therapeutic Justice, Criminal Law, Criminology, Criminal Justice and Socio-Legal Studies.

Criminal Law, Courts and Procedure
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Evidence So Far: A Critical Review
Chapter 3: Analysis and Discussion of the "Wine"
Chapter 4: Analysis and Discussion of the "Bottle"