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Workplace Mental Health Law: Comparative Perspectives

ISBN13: 9780367347826
Published: August 2020
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This book provides a systematic and interdisciplinary study of occupational mental health legislation in seven countries.

The work presents a study of the laws, policies, and legal interpretations to help prevent mental health problems from occurring in the workplace and appropriately address problems once they do occur. With a view to improving provision in Japan, the author examines the legal issues relating to workplace mental health and stress in the USA, UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, France and Germany.

In presenting a comparative discussion of mental health issues in the workplace, this book seeks to establish a minimum for legal rights and duties that contribute to prevention and not just compensation. With its detailed comparative and descriptive coverage of legal and related provisions in a range of countries, the book will be a valuable resource for academics, policy-makers and practitioners working in labour and employment law, social welfare, occupational health and human resource management.

Mental Health Law
1. Issues in workplace mental health law
2. The legal situation in Japan
3. A comparative study of mental health law:
3.1 United Kingdom
3.2 Denmark
3.3 The Netherlands
3.4 Germany
3.5 France
3.6 The USA: non-Americans with Disabilities Act Legislation
3.7 The USA: Americans with Disabilities Act Legislation
4. Comparisons with Japan
5. Key Findings and Implications for Workplace Mental Health
6. Conclusion