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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Simpson's Forensic Medicine 14th ed isbn 9781498704298

Simpson's Forensic Medicine 13th ed

ISBN13: 9780340986035
New Edition ISBN: 9781498704298
Previous Edition ISBN: 0340764228
Published: August 2011
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

This fully updated thirteenth edition of Simpson's Forensic Medicine remains a classic introductory text to the field. Continuing its tradition of preparing the next generation of forensic practitioners, it presents essential concepts in the interface between medicine and the law. Twenty-four chapters cover basic science, toxicology, forensic odontology, forensic anthropology, and both the legal obligations and ethical responsibilities of those involved in the forensic setting. Highlights of this well-renowned text include: Clear and concise language suitable for a wide audience of readers Text boxes to emphasize salient points High-quality color photographs for clear communication of concepts Focus on key principles applicable to any legal system Additional perspectives from authors new to this edition Expanded coverage of toxicology and forensic science Each chapter includes suggestions for further reading, including books, key scientific papers and reviews, and web-based sources. Simpson's has a long and respected history-read by many of today's leading forensic practitioners at the start of the career. It remains the most indispensable guide to the practice of forensic medicine worldwide.

Evidence, Criminal Law, Medical Law and Bioethics
Principles of Forensic Practice
The Ethics of Medical Practice
The Medical Aspects of Death Identification of the Living And The Dead
The Appearance of the Body After Death
Unexpected and Sudden Death from Natural Causes
Deaths and Injury in Infancy
Assessment, Classification and Documentation of Injury
Regional Injuries
Ballistic Injuries
Use of Force and Restraint
Sexual Assault
Child Assault and Protection
Immersion and Drowning
Heat, Cold and Electrical Trauma
Principles of Toxicology
Licit and Illicit Drugs
Medicinal Poisons
Miscellaneous Poisons
Principles of Forensic Science
Allied Forensic Specialties
Appendix 1: Guidelines for an Autopsy and Exhumation
Appendix 2: Widmark's Formula
Appendix 3: Diagnosing Poisoning - Carbon Monoxide. Health Protection Agency Guidelines