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International Law and the Resolution of Central and East European Transboundary Environmental Disputes

ISBN13: 9780333764954
ISBN: 0333764951
Published: July 2000
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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This publication examines the role of international law in promoting a resolution of Central and East European transboundary environmental disputes. To accomplish this objective the book examines a wide variety of environmental disputes, with particular emphasis on the Gabckovo Nagymaros Project dispute between Slovakia and Hungary, and melds international legal theory and international relations theory to develop an analytic framework for understanding the role of law, and assessing its future application.

Public International Law
Acknowledgements - Table of Cases - Table of Major Treaties and International Instruments - List of Abbreviations - Introduction - PART I: CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTES FROM THE BALTIC SEA TO THE BLACK SEA - The Northern Tier: Polluting the Baltic Sea, Dark Clouds Over the Baltic Triangle and Silesian Coals Basin, and East Meets West in Temelmn - The Southern Tier: Cleaning Up After the Soviets, Dumping in the Danube, Dueling Nuclear Power Plants, and Suffocating the Black Sea - PART II: USING INTERNATIONAL LAW TO RESOLVE THE SLOVAK-HUNGARIAN DISPUTE CONCERNING THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF THE GABCMKOVO-NAGYMAROS PROJECT - The Dispute Formation Phase: Soviet Inspired Designs to Harness the Power of the Danube and Post-transformation Second Thoughts - The Pre-resolution Phase: Enter Sub-state Actors, Third Parties and International Law - The Resolution Phase: Making the Case to the International Court of Justice - The Implementation Phase: Back to the Negotiating Table, and Maybe Back to the Court - PART III: UNDERSTANDING THE ROLE OF INTERNATIONAL LAW - The Regime of International Law: Its Nature and Function - Influencing the Utilization of International Law: Non-state Actors, Situational Circumstances, and Factors of Functionality - PART IV: PROSPECTS FOR AN INCREASING ROLE FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW IN PROMOTING CENTRAL AND EAST EUROPEAN TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION - Gauging the Operability of International Law: the Evolving Circumstances - Predicting the Future: an Increasing Role for International Law? - Conclusions - Index