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Law for Social Work Practice: Working with Vulnerable Adults

Robert Johns, Andrew SedgwickBoth Lecturers in Social Work, De Montfort University

ISBN13: 9780333693780
ISBN: 0333693787
Published: November 1998
Publisher: Hart Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.99

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In adopting an innovative case-study approach to social work law and practice, this text fills a genuine need for a book which applies legal knowledge to the practice predicaments social workers face in their daily work. Focusing on an area of law not covered in depth in standard texts currently available, it offers clear and accessible coverage of care in the community and protection of the most vulnerable in our society in a stimulating practice-focused way.

Social Security and Welfare Law
Social Care Law in Practice - Assessing Needs and Providing Services - Advocacy: Speaking on Someone's Behalf - Advocacy: Acting on Someone's Behalf - Preparing to Live with Someone Else - Protecting Adults from Abuse or Harm - Protecting People from Themselves - Adults Who Become the Victims of Crime - Promoting Rights