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The Nuclear Non-proliferation Regime: Prospects for the 21st Century

Edited by: Raju G.C. Thomas

ISBN13: 9780333689646
ISBN: 033368964X
Published: July 1999
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £129.99

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Leading international security scholars and policy advisors from universities, think-tanks, and nuclear weapons laboratories in the United States analyze the future of nuclear weapons proliferation. In April 1995, the earlier 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was renewed indefinitely and without change to the original clauses of the treaty. The authors examine the continuing relevance or irrelevance of the old treaty, the role of coercive sanctions in enforcing restraint, and the impact of biological, chemical and missile proliferation on the nuclear motives and ambitions of various states. Attention is given to proliferation conditions in the former Soviet republics, East and South Asia and the Middle East.

Public International Law
Acknowledgements - Notes on the Contributors - The Renewed NPT: Old Wine in New Bottles?; R.G.C.Thomas - PART 1: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES - Nuclear Proliferation following the NPT Extension; G.Rathjens - A Treaty Reborn? The NPT After Extension; J.F.Pilat & C.W.Nakhleh - The NPT and Power Transitions in the International System; T.V.Paul - The Causes of Nuclear Proliferation and the Utility of the Nonproliferation Regime; B.A.Thayer - Chemical, Biological, and Missile Proliferation; K.C.Bailey - The NPT: Coping with the Best and Worst Cases; Z.S.Davis - PART 2: REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES - Proliferation and Non-Proliferation in Ukraine: Implications for European and US Security; S.Blank - Japan's Nuclear Policy: Reflections on the Immediate Past, Prognosis for the 21st Century; Ambassador R.Imai - Nuclear Imbalance of Terror: The American Surveillance Regime and North Korea's Nuclear Program; B.Cumings - Is the Nuclear Option an Option for South Korea?; T.W.Park - South Asia's Nuclear Revolution: Has it Occurred Yet?; P.R.Lavoy - The Indian and Pakistani Nuclear Programs: A Race to Oblivion?; S.Ganguly - Should India Sign the NPT/CTBT?; R.G.C.Thomas - Iran's Nuclear Quest: Motivations and Consequences; H.Vaziri - PART 3: RETROSPECT - The Realities of Nuclear War: Memories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; J.N.Yamazaki - Index