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Legal Aspects of Community Care

ISBN13: 9780333538197
ISBN: 0333538196
Published: November 1996
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This text provides a readable, detailed and comprehensive account of the law in relation to community care. This book includes information on the new statutory framework and the different institutional and legal entities which have emerged as a consequence of the discharge of patients from institutional care. Wherever possible, examples of actual situations will be used to illustrate the legal issues taken from the full range of community professionals and situations with carers and clients. This book is a must for all students of healthcare, social service and health professionals, and all managers working in the community.

Social Security and Welfare Law
Acknowledgements - Preface - Introduction - PART A: CLIENTS - Clients and Community Care - Consent to Treatment - Entry and Removal from Premises - Confidentiality - Access to Health Records - PART B: PROFESSIONALS - Professional Liability - Special Situations - Health and Safety 1 - Health and Safety 2 - Record Keeping and Reports - Specific Professionals - Community Nurses - Community Psychiatric Nurses - Midwives - School and Occupational Health Nurses - Specialist Nurses - Health Visitors - Practice Nurses - Professions Supplementary to Medicine - Pharmacists and Medicines - Private Practitioners - Social Workers - Volunteers - PART C: STATUTORY AUTHORITIES AND OTHER ORGANISATIONS - Health Authorities and Trusts - Family Health Service Authoities and Independent Practitioners - GP Fundholding Practices - Local Authorities -Voluntary and Other Agencies - Enforcement Provisions - PART D: ACCOMMODATION - Duties of Local Authorities - Registered Homes: Residential Homes - Nursing Homes - Tribunals and Complaints - Housing Corporations and Associations - Planning Provisions - PART E: FINANCE - Social Security Provisions - Handling Clients Property - Appendices - Government, UKCC Circulars etc - Addresses - Glossary - Bibliography