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Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament

Edited by: Hans Gunter Brauch, Lord Solly Zuckerman

ISBN13: 9780333464830
ISBN: 0333464834
Published: January 1990
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This book offers theoretical analysis on the context and on the dual function of military technology, as well as case studies on the third generation of nuclear weapons, on the Biological Weapons Convention Review Conference, on the driving forces of chemical armament and on the military use of nuclear energy as a possible propellant for bombers and in outer space.;Five chapters written by three physicists from the USA, USSR and UK and two peace researchers from Japan and West Germany focus on SDI: its technical foundations, consequences for strategic stability and war as well as on its contradictions and on a case of armament dynamics theory.;The book concludes with three chapters on the implications of the military use of outer space for international law from a Western, an Eastern and a Third World perspective, with views from West Germany, Hungary and Barbados, respectively.

Public International Law
Part 1 Military technology and theory of armaments dynamics: military technology - armaments dynamics - strategic stability implications for arms control and disarmament, H.G.Brauch; a driving force behind the arms race and an impediment for arms control and disarmament.
Part 2 Military technology - the case of atomic, biological and chemical weapons: third generation of nuclear weapons, K.Isipis; diplomatic responses to changing assessments of scientific and technological developments to a disarmament regime - the Second Review Conference of the 1972 Convention on Biological and Toxic Weapons, Geneva 1986, N.Sims; supply, demand and assimilation in chemical warfare armament, J.P.Perry Robinson.
Part 3 Military use of nuclear energy - the case of bombers and outer space: the nuclear-propelled bomber - a faked arms race between the US and the USSR, U. Albrecht; nuclear power in space - a technology beyond control?,R.Bulkeley.
Part 4 Military technology - ballistic missile defence and SDI: the transformation of war - the real implications of the SDI, P.Rogers; SDI - a sceptical assessment by an American physicist, R. Garwin; Star Wars and strategic stability, R. Sagdeev; SDI - ten fundamental contradictions - the need for a real alternative to the nuclear predicament - a view from Nagasaki, S. Tachibana; SDI and armaments dynamics - a case study in interpreting the US programme, H.G.Brauch.
Part 5 Military use of outer space - implications for international law: arms limitation in outer space for human survival, P.K.Menon; the military use of outer space - implications for internaional law, P.Dunay; the Vienna Convention on the law of the treaties and the interpretation of the ABM treaty.