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Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts

ISBN13: 9780314275554
Published: July 2012
Publisher: Thomson West
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £55.00

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Wildy's Book of the Month: July 2012

In this groundbreaking book by best-selling authors Justice Antonin Scalia and Bryan A. Garner, all the most important principles of constitutional, statutory, and contractual interpretation are systematically explained in an engaging and informative style-including several hundred illustrations from actual cases.

Never before has legal interpretation been so fascinatingly explained. Both authors are individually renowned for their scintillating prose styles, and together they make even the seemingly dry subject of legal interpretation riveting.

Though intended primarily for judges and the lawyers who appear before them to argue the meaning of texts, Reading Law is sound educational reading for anyone who seeks to understand how judges decide cases-or should decide cases.

The book is a superb introduction to modern judicial decision-making. Justice Scalia, with 25 years of experience on the Supreme Court, is the foremost expositor of textualism in the world today. Bryan A. Garner as editor in chief of Black's Law Dictionary and author of Garner's Dictionary of Legal Usage is the most renowned expert on the language of the law.

Reading Law is an essential guide to anyone who wishes to prevail in a legal argument-based on a constitution, a statute, or a contract. The book is calculated to promote valid interpretations: if you have lame arguments, you'll deplore the book; if you have strong arguments, you'll exalt it. But whatever your position, you'll think about law more clearly than ever before

Other Jurisdictions , USA, Statutory Interpretation and Legislative Drafting
Foreward by Chief Judge Frank H. Easterbrook
I. Introduction
II. Sound Principles of Interpretation
A. Principles Applicable to All Texts
Fundamental Principles
Semantic Canons
Syntactic Canons
Contextual Canons
B. Principles Applicable Specifically to Governmental Prescriptions
Expected-Meaning Canons
Government-Structures Canons
Private-Right Canons
Stabilizing Canons
III. Thirteen Falsities Exposed
IV. Afterword
Appendix A: A Note on the Use of Dictionaries
Appendix B: A Glossary of Legal Interpretation
Table of Cases