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Judical Decision Making

ISBN13: 9780306461545
ISBN: 0306461544
Published: July 1999
Publisher: Kluwer Law International
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Decision making by appellate judges are examined from a psychological viewpoint. The process of deciding a case, from the initial decision whether to grant certiorari to the final announcement of a decision, is analyzed using contemporary concepts from the field of psychology, especially social cognition theory. The impact of amicus briefs submitted to the courts by the American Psychological Association is evaluated.

1. How Do Judges Decide? 2. Opinion Formation and Expression.
3. Attempts to Influence Judges.
4. The Role of the Chief Justice.
5. Responses to Influence.
6. History of the Psychology -- Law Relationship.
7. The American Psychological Association's.
8. The APA's Amicus Attempts to Influence the Supreme Court.
9. Unsuccessful Attempts to Influence the Court.
10. The Future of the Psychology -- Law Relationship. References. Name Index. Subject Index.