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Animal Cruelty, Antisocial Behaviour, and Aggression: More Than a Link!

ISBN13: 9780230239234
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £44.99

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Through comprehensive reviews of theory and research related to animal cruelty, antisocial behaviour, and aggression, Gullone clearly demonstrates that animal cruelty behaviours are another form of antisocial behaviour, that appear right alongside human aggression and violence, as well as other crimes including non-violent crimes. Almost without exception, the perpetrators of animal cruelty crimes are the same individuals who carry out a host of other antisocial crimes or misdemeanors including assault, partner and child abuse, and bullying. For those whose criminal careers begin in childhood (i.e. the early starters), without intervention, it is highly likely that their antisocial activities will continue into their adult years, in most cases increasing in severity. It is therefore time to begin treating animal cruelty crimes more seriously, to prevent further harm not only against the innocent animals who will otherwise become the victims of these individuals but also against potential human victims.

Animal Law
List of Tables
Foreword P.Arkow
Series Editors' Preface
Historical and Current Conceptualisations of Animal Cruelty
Conceptualisations of Antisocial Behaviour
The Development of Antisocial Behaviour
Theoretical Accounts of Aggressive Behaviour and Animal Cruelty
Biological and Individual Difference Risk Factors
Environmental Risk Factors
Emotional and Cognitive Processes
Aetiological Accounts of Animal Cruelty
Conclusions and Future Directions