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Property Development: Appraisal and Finance 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780230201781
Published: July 2010
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

From initial consideration to final marketing, this book provides a complete overview of the essential steps in the property development process making it a must-have resource for students and professionals in property finance and development, planning, surveying and construction. Covering site-finding, valuation, funding and construction, the book examines each step of the process in the context of property development, avoiding overly technical jargon and explaining concepts clearly. This second edition has been revised and updated throughout, taking into account the effects of the credit crunch on development activity and funding. The authors also discuss changes in policy, thinking and practice which have stemmed from a desire by all stakeholders in the development process to foster more sustainable property developments.

Commercial Property
The Property Development Process
Development Appraisal
The Residual Valuation
Ground Rents and Partnership Schemes
Cash Flow Methods
Financing Property Development
The Classification of Development Finance
Structure of Property Finance
Design and Construction
Marketing Research, Marketing and Disposal