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Dealing in Virtue

ISBN13: 9780226144221
ISBN: 0226144224
Published: June 1998
Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780226144238

In recent years, international business disputes have been resolved through private arbitration. Yves Dezalay and Bryant G. Garth seek to show in this text how an elite, transnational legal profession has emerged to construct an autonomous legal field that now plays a central role in the global marketplace.

Building on the structural approach of Bourdieu, they show how an informal, settlement-oriented system became formalized, litigious, and expensive. An integral aspect of this new legal field is the intense competition among arbitrators to gain reputations for virtue in order to be selected for adjudication panels.;Examples from England, the United States, Sweden, Egypt, and Hong Kong are used throughout the volume.

Foreword by Pierre Bourdieu Acknowledgments
1: Dealing in Virtue
1: Exploring and Representing the World of International Commercial Arbitration
2: Becoming an Arbitrator: Building and Exchanging National and International Symbolic Capital
2: Constructing Transnational Private Justice and Legalizing Business Conflicts
3: Merchants of Law as Moral Entrepreneurs: Constructing International Justice out of the Competition for Transnational Business Disputes
4: Setting the Legal Scene for North-South Conflicts and the Collective Construction of the Universality of Law
5: U.S. Litigators, Continental Academics, Petrodollar Construction Projects, and the Lex Mercatoria: A Case Study
3: Internationalization and the Transformation of the Landscape for Handling Business Conflicts
6: Between the Worlds of Law and Business: The Contradictions of Business Justice and Its Permanent Reconstruction through Dispute Resolution Mechanisms
7: England: The Contradictions and Limits of an International and Reformist Strategy
8: In and Out of the Multidoor Courthouse: Internationalization and the Transformation of the Landscape of Business Disputing in the United States
9: Vintage Arbitration in Stockholm
10: Social Capital and Legal Capital: Competition and Complementarity in the Market for Business Justice
11: International Legal Practice as Ghetto or Beachhead: Cairo and the Problems of North and South
12: Law and the Frontier: Hong Kong and Transitions from One Imperialism to Another
13: How to Construct Neutrality and Autonomy on the Basis of a Strategy of Double Agent
14: Reintroducing Politics and States in the Market of International Business Disputing