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The Law of Targeting

ISBN13: 9780199696611
Published: August 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £187.50

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Targeting is the primary method for securing strategic objectives in an armed conflict.

Failure to comply with the law of targeting jeopardizes the achievement of those aims.

It is therefore essential that all those involved in or studying issues surrounding targeting have an accurate and complete understanding of this area of law. This book offers the definitive and comprehensive statement of all aspects of the law of targeting.

It is a 'one-stop shop' that answers all relevant questions in depth. It has been written in an open, accessible yet comprehensive style, and addresses both matters of established law and issues of topical controversy.

The text explains the meanings of such terms as 'civilian', 'combatant', and 'military objective'. Chapters are devoted to the core targeting principles of distinction, discrimination, and proportionality, as well as to the relationship between targeting and the protection of the environment and of objects and persons entitled to special protection.

New technologies are also covered, with chapters looking at attacks using unmanned platforms and a discussion of the issues arising from cyber warfare. The book also examines recent controversies and perceived ambiguities in the rules governing targeting, including the use of human shields, the level of care required in a bombing campaign, and the difficulties involved in determining whether someone is directly participating in hostilities.

Public International Law
Section I: The Law of Targeting in Context
1: Introduction
2: Historical Evolution of the Law
3: Sources of the Law
4: Spectrum of Conflict

Section II: General Principles in the Law of Targeting
5: Fundamental Customary Principles and Customary Rules
6: The AP1 Rule of Distinction
7: The AP I Requirement to take Precautions in Attack
8: The Controversy Over the Notion of Direct Participation in Hostilities
9: The Controversy over Bombardment - What is the Required Degree of Care?

Section III: Particular Protections
10: The Protection of the Environment
11: Cultural Property
12: Objects Entitled to Special Protection

Section IV: Weapons and Technologies
13: Weapons Law
14: Targeting Using Particular Technologies

Section V: Specific Media
15: Naval Warfare
16: Air Warfare
17: Space Warfare
18: Cyber Warfare

Section VI: Practical Aspects of Contemporary Targeting
19: The Prosecution of Difficult Targets
20: Types of Warfare

Section VI: Implementing the Law of Targeting
21: How States Implement the Distinction Principle
22: When Things go Wrong

Section VII Conclusion
23: The changing nature of conflict and the law of targeting;