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Livingstone, Owen, and Macdonald on Prison Law 5th ed

Edited by: Tim Owen, Alison Macdonald

ISBN13: 9780199688432
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199211012
Published: July 2015
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £275.00

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Prison Law is the leading text in its field. It offers comprehensive coverage of the substantive law, the Prison Rules, and the remedies available to prisoners, including complaints procedures, civil claims, judicial review, and claims under the Human Rights Act. Both domestic and international avenues of redress are explained in detail.

The book covers all aspects of prison life, from categorization and allocation to living conditions, access to the outside world, transfer and repatriation, discipline, and the procedures governing the release of fixed term prisoners and those serving life sentences.

The new edition has been completely revised and updated to take account of relevant decisions under the Human Rights Act and at the European Court of Human Rights, including important decisions on IPP sentences, ministerial involvement in prison release, conditions of detention, and their policy ramifications in the UK. The changes to the life sentence regime and the prison disciplinary system, implemented since publication of the previous edition, have been fully addressed.

It also covers the Equality Act and its application in the prison context. Further, it includes a new introduction summarizing the development of prison law over the 20 years since the first edition, and its importance in the wider context of public law principles especially the expansion of jurisdiction (St Germain, Leech and Hague), fairness (Duggan, Doody), the principle of legality (Raymond v Honey, Leech No 2, Pierson, Simms and O'Brien) and HRA review (Daly and subsequent HRA decisions). Critical analysis is combined with practical guidance to make Prison Law immensely useful to practitioners, academics, and anyone with a professional interest in crime and punishment.

Criminal Law, Prison Law
Table of Cases
Table of International Conventions, Treaties, Instruments and Standards
Table of Legislation
List of Abbreviations
1. The Legal Framework and Administrative Structure of the Prison System
2. Avenues of Redress: Domestic Law
3. International Law Avenues of Redress
4. Security Categorization and Allocation
5. Living Conditions in Prison
6. Healthcare in Prisons
7. Access to the Outside World and Maintenance of Family Contacts
8. Inter-prison Transfers and the Repatriation of Prisoners from Abroad
9. Prison Discipline
10. Maintaining Good Order and Discipline
11. Women Prisoners
12. Children and Young People in Custody
13. Release from Prison: Fixed Term Prisoners
14. Life Sentence Prisoners
15. Immigration Detention