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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure 6th ed isbn 9780198820383

Minority Shareholders: Law, Practice and Procedure 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780199687978
New Edition ISBN: 9780198820383
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199601318
Published: January 2015
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

This well-established work on the law relating to minority shareholders provides practitioners with the most detailed reference on the subject.

The new edition includes a chapter on foreign aspects of minority shareholder litigation which covers all of the jurisdictional and procedural issues concerned with litigation involving foreign companies and foreign parties. There are also substantially more detailed chapters on directors' duties and derivative claims.

The new edition includes analysis of many important decisions covering the following areas:-

  • Derivative claim procedure and alternative remedies
  • Unfairly prejudicial conduct, attribution of responsibility and appropriate parties
  • Personal rights of shareholders, their liability and piercing the corporate veil
  • The mechanics of share valuation
As in previous editions, the fifth edition provides the best-organised, and most accessible analysis available of the application of legislation and authorities to difficult areas of practice. It contains a very detailed treatment of procedural matters and incudes practical guidance and tools such as precedents.

Company Law
1. Directors' Duties
2. Derivative Claims
3. Personal Claims
4. Rights Conferred on Shareholders by the Companies Act 2006
5. Just and Equitable
6. Unfair Prejudice: The Statutory Remedy
7. Companies Act 2006, S 994 Petitions Procedure
8. Foreign Elements
Appendix 1: Forms and Payments