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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Bar Manual: Family Law in Practice 12th ed isbn 9780198754749

Bar Manual: Family Law in Practice 11th ed

Edited by: Virginia Dunn, Veronica Lachkovic, The City Law School

ISBN13: 9780199686919
New Edition ISBN: 9780198754749
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199641505
Published: January 2015
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

Almost all junior barristers in civil practice are likely to encounter family law work in their first years of practice.

Family Law in Practice provides a detailed introduction to the key areas of the substantive family law of which the junior practitioner should have a good working knowledge. Key aspects of family law covered include domestic violence, care proceedings and pre-nuptial agreements. Adopting a highly pragmatic approach, Family Law in Practice encourages students to build on their existing basic practitioner skills, and highlights how to approach writing opinions and drafting documents specific to family law.

It provides invaluable practical advice on how to prepare for different types of hearing, what factors to consider in relation to negotiation, how to make persuasive submissions, and how to handle witnesses effectively, ensuring that the junior practitioner is fully prepared for his or her first steps in the family courts.

Key updates to this new edition include coverage of the Children and Families Act 2014, the Crime and Courts Act 2013, and the Child Maintenance Service. Case law has been revised throughout and the major changes affecting civil partnership, same-sex marriage, and the Single Family Court are fully covered.

Legal Manuals, Family Law
1. Introduction
2. Domestic violence and occupation of the family home
3. The divorce or dissolution process
4. Financial provision - financial remedies: law and practice
5. Financial provision - financial remedies: preparation and process
6. Financial provision within marriage
7. Financial provision for children
8. Children - private law
9. Children - public law: procedure and law
10. Children - public law: preparation and practice
11. Mediation in the context of the family
12. Relevant principles of taxation
13. Contempt and committal proceedings in family cases