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The IMLI Manual on International Maritime Law: Volume III: Marine Environmental Law and International Maritime Security Law

Edited by: David Joseph Attard, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Norman Martinez, Riyaz Hamza

ISBN13: 9780199683949
Published: March 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £202.50

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This three-volume IMLI Manual on International Maritime Law presents a systematic analysis of the history and contemporary development of international maritime law by leading contributors from across the world.

Prepared in cooperation with the International Maritime Law Institute, the International Maritime Organization's research and training institute, this a uniquely comprehensive study of this fundamental area of international law. Volume III is devoted to the marine environmental law and maritime security law.

The first part of Volume III deals in depth with issues of most fundamental importance in the contemporary world, namely how to protect the marine environment from pollution from ships, land-based sources, seabed activities, and from or through air.

In explaining these types of pollution, various conventions concluded under the auspices of the IMO (such as MARPOL 73/78 and the 1972 London Convention) and soft law documents are analysed. The volume also includes chapters on the conventions relating to pollution incident preparedness, response, cooperation, and the relevance of regional cooperation. It additionally discusses liability and compensation for pollution damage.

The second part of volume III examines an issue of increasing importance in a world threatened by terrorism, piracy, and drug-trafficking. Chapters in this part cover the topics of piracy; stowaways; human trafficking; illicit drugs; terrorism; military uses of the sea; and new maritime security threats, such as the illegal dumping of hazardous wastes and toxic substances, as well as illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing.

Environmental Law, Public International Law
Part I: Marine Environmental Law

Section A - General
1.: Maria Gavouneli: State Jurisdiction in Relation to the Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment

Section B - Prevention of Marine Pollution
2.: Malgosia Fitzmaurice: The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
3.: Hossein Esmaeili and Brendan Grigg: Pollution From Dumping
4.: Ricardo Pereira: Pollution From Seabed Activities
5.: Yoshifumi Tanaka: Pollution From Land Based Sources
6.: James Harrison: Pollution of the Marine Environment From or Through the Atmosphere

Section C - Response to Marine Pollution Casualties
7.: Frederic Hebert and Gabino Gonzalez: Conventions Relating to Pollution Incident Preparedness, Response, and Co-operation
8.: Agustin Blanco Bazan: Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Pollution Casualties

Section D - Liability and Compensation for Pollution Damage
9.: Mans Jacobsson: Liability and Compensation for Ship Source Pollution

Section E - Regional Approaches to the Protection of the Marine Environment
10.: Elizabeth Maruma Mrema: Regional Seas Programme: The Role Played by UNEP in its Development and Governance

Part II: International Maritime Security Law
11.: Markiyan Z. Kulyk: Piracy, Hijacking, and Armed Robbery Against Ships
12.: Riyaz Hamza: Maritime Terrorism and the Illicit Trafficking in Arms
13.: Reto Duerler: Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation
14.: James Kraska: Ship and Port Facility Security
15.: Efthymios Papastavridis: The Illicit Trafficking of Drugs
16.: Patricia Mallia: The Human Element of Maritime Crime: Stowaways, Human Trafficking, and Migrant Smuggling
17.: David Ong, Karen Hulme, and Darren Calley: New Maritime Security Threats
18.: Natalino Ronzitti: Military Uses of the Sea