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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Human Rights Law Directions 4th ed isbn 9780198765882

Human Rights Law Directions 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9780199669370
New Edition ISBN: 9780198765882
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199554348
Published: April 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Why do the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg have such an impact on UK law? Why did the UK need a Human Rights Act - and why do some people say it should be repealed?

Human Rights Law Directions has been written expressly to guide you through your study of human rights law, and to clearly and concisely explain the key areas of this fascinating subject. Combining academic quality with innovative learning features and online support, this is an ideal text for those studying human rights law for the first time.

  • Case close-up boxes identify and explain key cases -
  • End-of-chapter questions with online answer guidance help you test yourself and prepare for exams
  • Summaries reinforce learning and aid revision -
  • Further reading suggestions guide in-depth study -
  • Discussion topics and key point boxes highlight core areas of interest - cross referencing shows how topics are interrelated Online Resource Centre
Human Rights Law Directions is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre where students can access updates to the book, a selection of annotated web links, and guidance on answering the problem questions contained in the book. For the 3rd edition a subject-specific glossary and the text of the Human Rights Act will be added to the ORC, as well as over 140 multiple choice questions for students to test their knowledge.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1. Introduction: the idea of human rights
2. The European Convention on Human Rights
3. The European Convention and the law of the United Kingdom
4. The Human Rights Act 1998 (1) rights and duties
5. The Human Rights Act 1998 (2) proceedings and remedies
6. Convention law: pervasive themes

7. Ancillary rights
8. Article 2 right to life
9. Article 3 prohibition of torture
10. Article 4 prohibition of slavery and forced labour
11. Article 5 right to liberty and security
12. Article 6 right to a fair trial
13. Article 7 no punishment without law
14. Introduction to Articles 8-11
15. Article 8 right to respect for private and family life
16. Article 9 freedom of thought, conscience and religion
17. Article 10 freedom of expression
18. Article 11 freedom of assembly and association
19. Article 12 right to marry
20. Applications: police powers
21. Applications: prisoners' rights
22. Applications: media law and privacy
23. Article 1 of the First Protocol protection of property
24. Article 2 of the First Protocol right to education
25. Article 3 of the First Protocol right to free elections
26. Anti-terrorism law and human rights
27. Conclusion