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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
The Law of Reinsurance 3rd ed isbn 9780198870937

The Law of Reinsurance 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199665044
New Edition ISBN: 9780198870937
Previous Edition ISBN: 0199268932
Published: January 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

This concise and accessible guide to reinsurance law is an easy-to-read specialist reference focusing solely on reinsurance.

The second edition builds on the success of the first which filled a gap in the market for an easy to use and pithy explanation of the law in this field avoiding the need to recount the whole of general insurance law. With usability and practicality in mind a number of features have been further developed in this edition.

The authors have provided more guidance on areas which are undecided by the courts such as Follow the Settlements, incorporation, non-disclosure, and misrepresentation. Areas of complexity such as the role of good faith in reinsurance contracts have also been given greater coverage in this second edition.

Also new to this edition is a glossary of reinsurance terms which helps to make the volume even more accessible. This book is both practical and authoritative, and is successful in isolating the key issues in reinsurance law to provide an easy and reliable reference source. It is a must-have work for all reinsurance practitioners.

Insurance Law
1. Functions, Definitions, and Types of Reinsurance
2. The Formation of the Reinsurance Contract
3. The Reinsurance Contract - Construction and Terms
4. Obligations of the Reinsurer
5. Rights of the Reinsurer
6. Denying Liability
7. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction