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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
Blackstone's Crime Investigator's Handbook 2nd ed isbn 9780198753605

Blackstone's Crime Investigator's Handbook

ISBN13: 9780199662937
New Edition ISBN: 9780198753605
Published: June 2013
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, pocketbook
Price: Out of print

Blackstone's Crime Investigator's Handbook provides you with straightforward, practical information and advice for anyone involved in investigating crime.

Covering all the learning requirements for trainee detectives on the Initial Crime Investigators Development Programme (ICIDP), it will also be useful to detectives and uniformed officers investigating volume crime, as well those involved in the initial stages of major investigations.

The authors cover the different types of criminal investigation, outlining the legal procedures and operational protocols relating to specific offences, but also offer more general guidance on effective case management, working with the CPS, crime report processing, and investigative strategies. Each stage of conducting and managing an investigation is explored, with specific guidance on crime scene management, evidence preservation and witness and suspect management, helping you to build and develop your capabilities.

The Handbook also outlines the role of partner agencies and includes specific chapters on forensic investigation and the investigation of sudden and unexpected deaths. Police doctrines and practical guidance manuals are extensively cross-referenced, while checklists, aide memoirs and linked case studies help contextualise the complex and sometimes daunting procedures, methods and responsibilities.

Police and Public Order Law
1. Role of a Criminal Investigator
2. Legal framework, Manuals and Doctrine
3. Investigation Management & Decision Making
4. Initial Stages of an investigation
5. Crime scene identification, preservation, searching & evidence recovery
6. Forensic investigation
7. Core investigative strategies
8. Witness management
9. Suspect management
10. Investigating sudden & unexplained deaths
11. Types of investigations
12. Pro-active investigation techniques
13. Crime report processing
14. Case management, CPS & Court procedures