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Principles of Takeover Regulation

ISBN13: 9780199659555
Published: March 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £162.50

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Providing a clear and comprehensive exposition of takeover law in the UK, this book analyses the principles behind the Takeover Code, explaining the origin, effect, and operation of the rules and regulation with reference to practice and theory.

Set in an economic context, the book includes coverage of the jurisprudence of the Takeover Panel, and includes comparative coverage of relevant aspects of US takeover law. This book offers an in-depth understanding of takeover regulation while also providing a degree of context and background to make sense of the regulation.

A thoughtful explanation of takeover law with a unique comparative element, this is a valuable resource for the field of takeover law.

Banking and Finance, Mergers and Acquisitions
1: The Market for Corporate Control: Concepts and Context
2: Deal Structures
3: Origins: The Creation of the Takeover Code
4: The Modern Takeover Code and Takeover Panel
5: The Pre-offer Dance and Announcement
6: The Voluntary Offer
7: Deal Risk: Bid Conditionality and Deal Protections
8: The Mandatory Bid
9: Timetable and Disclosure
10: Regulating Board Discretion: Directors' Duties
11: Hostile Takeovers and the Non-Frustration Rule