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A new edition was published, see:
Jacobs, White and Ovey: The European Convention on Human Rights 7th ed isbn 9780198767749

Jacobs, White and Ovey: The European Convention on Human Rights 6th ed

ISBN13: 9780199655083
New Edition ISBN: 9780198767749
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199543380
Published: June 2014
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Over fifty years after its founding, the European Court of Human Rights has dispensed more than 16,000 judgments and affects the lives of over 820 million people. The sixth edition of Jacobs, White & Ovey: The European Convention on Human Rights is a clear and concise companion to this increasingly important and extensive area of the law.

Examining each of the Convention rights in turn, the text lays out the key principles relevant to both students and practitioners. Cutting through the ever-expanding web of cases, authors take you to the pivotal cases in each area and examine the principles that underpin the Court's decisions.

A focus on the European Convention itself, rather than its implementation in any one member state, makes Jacobs, White & Ovey essential reading for all those interested in the work of the Strasbourg Court. Online Resource Centre The text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre that features updates on cases and legislation since publication as well as links to useful websites and further reading on the European Convention.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties
1. Context, background, and institutions
2. Proceedings before the court
3. Supervising the enforcement of judgments
4. Interpreting the convention
5. The scope of the convention
6. Reservations and derogations

7. The right to an effective remedy
8. The right to vote
9. Prohibition of torture
10. Protection from slavery and forced labour
11. Personal liberty and security
12. The right to a fair trial in civil and criminal cases
13. Aspects of the criminal process
14. Limitations common to articles 8-11
15. Protecting family life
16. Protecting private life, the home, and correspondence
17. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion
18. Freedom of expression
19. Freedom of assembly and association
20. Protection of property
21. The right to education
22. The right to free elections
23. Freedom of movement
24. Freedom from discrimination

25. Results and prospects