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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
The Oxford Handbook of Criminology 6th ed isbn 9780198719441

The Oxford Handbook of Criminology 5th ed

Edited by: Mike Maguire, Rod Morgan, Robert Reiner

ISBN13: 9780199590278
New Edition ISBN: 9780198719441
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199205431
Published: April 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The most comprehensive and authoritative single volume text on the subject, the fifth edition of the acclaimed Oxford Handbook of Criminology combines masterly reviews of all the key topics with extensive references to aid further research.

In addition to the history of the discipline and reviews of different theoretical perspectives, the book provides up-to-date reviews of diverse topics as public views about crime and justice, youth crime and justice and state crime and human rights.

The fifth edition has been substantially revised and updated so that it covers topics being taught at undergraduate level as well as encapsulating the latest developments in the academic and practical spheres of criminology. An impressive line-up of contributors, experts in their respective fields, means the Oxford Handbook of Criminology will continue to be an essential purchase for all students and teachers of criminology and an indispensable resource for professionals.

Criminology: History and Theory
1: Ian Loader & Richard Sparks: Situating criminology
2: Paul Rock: Sociological theories of crime
3: Clive Hollin: Criminological psychology
4: Keith Hayward & Jock Young: Cultural criminology
5: David Nelken: Comparing criminal justice
Social construction of crime and crime control
6: Nicola Lacey & Lucia Zedner: Legal constructions of crime
7: David Downes & Rod Morgan: Overtaking on the left? The politics of law and order in the 'Big Society'
8: Mike Maguire: Criminal statistics and the construction of crime
9: Robert Reiner & Chris Greer: Mediated mayhem: media, crime, criminal justice
10: Mike Hough & Julian Roberts: Public opinion, crime, and criminal justice
Dimensions of Crime
11: Robert Reiner: Casino capital's crimes: Political economy, crime, and criminal justice
12: Frances Heidensohn & Marisa Silvestri: Gender and crime
13: Coretta Phillips & Ben Bowling: Ethnicities, racism, crime, and criminal justice
14: Carolyn Hoyle: Victims, the criminal process, and restorative justice
15: Jill Peay: Mentally disordered offenders, mental health, and crime
16: Anthony E. Bottoms: Developing socio-spatial criminology
17: Rod Morgan & Tim Newburn: Youth crime and justice: Rediscovering devloution, discretion, and diversion?
18: Lesly McAra & Susan McVie: Critical debates in developmental and life-course criminology
Forms of Crime
19: Fiona Brookman & Amanda Robinson: Violent crime
20: Michael Levi: The organisation of serious crimes for gain
21: David Nelken: White-collar and corporate crime
22: Martin Innes & Michael Levi: Terrorism and counter-terrorism
23: Nigel South & Fiona Measham: Drugs, alcohol, and crime
24: Penny Green & Tony Ward: State crime: A dialectical view
Reactions to Crime
25: Trevor Jones: Governing security: Pluralization, privatization, and paradigm shifts in crime control and policing
26: Adam Crawford & Karen Evans: Crime prevention and community safety
27: Tim Newburn & Robert Reiner: Policing and the police
28: Andrew Sanders & Richard Young: From suspect to trial
29: Andrew Ashworth & Julian Roberts: Sentencing: Theory, principle, and practice
30: Alison Liebling & Ben Crewe: Prison life, penal power, and prison effects
31: Peter Raynor: Community penalties, probation, and offender management
32: Nicola Padfield, Rod Morgan & Mike Maguire: Out of court, out of sight? Criminal sanctions and non-judicial decision making
34: Friedrich Losel: What works? Offender treatment and rehabilitation;