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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Law Society of Ireland: Criminal Litigation 4th ed isbn 9780199678662

Law Society of Ireland: Criminal Litigation 3rd ed

Edited by: Maura Butler

ISBN13: 9780199588794
New Edition ISBN: 9780199678662
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199554362
Published: February 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: Ireland
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: Out of print

Criminal Litigation is a comprehensive guide to the evidential and procedural rules and skills of criminal litigation and advocacy. The manual provides effective practice knowledge of the fundamental elements of criminal procedure, with an emphasis on client care issues.

It discusses the role of the solicitor at all stages of the criminal process, where the case is disposed of in either the District Court or the Superior Courts. Procedure is explained from both a prosecution and a defence perspective, beginning with arrest and proceeding to trial and beyond, in a sequential manner that reflects the criminal justice process. The law on regulatory crime sometimes referred to as white collar or corporate crime is distinguished, at a time when legislation in this area is being enacted.

This third edition has been extensively revised to include new chapters on regulatory crime, bail law and the European arrest warrant procedure. It is essential reading for trainee solicitors on the Professional Practice Course, and an excellent resource for Irish legal practitioners and other actors in the criminal justice system.

New to this edition:-

  • Ten extensively re-written and updated chapters
  • New chapters on regulatory crime and the European arrest warrant procedure
  • Greatly extended chapter on bail law
  • Practical focus on the procedural application of evidential rules, explored in depth through two case studies in the Evidence chapter