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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Complete International Law: Text, Cases and Materials 2nd ed isbn 9780199679072

Complete International Law: Text, Cases and Materials

ISBN13: 9780199578702
New Edition ISBN: 9780199679072
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Providing the law student with an essential resource, Complete International Law combines clear explanatory text and practical learning features with extracts from a wide range of primary and secondary materials.

  • Clearly explained case extracts demonstrate legal principles and the significance of case law.
  • This innovative text engages you in an active approach to learning that aims to stimulate reflection about the importance of international law in today's world.
  • Each chapter begins by highlighting learning objectives and uses numerous features throughout, including key point summaries, thinking points and a glossary of key terms.

Public International Law
1.: Historical development of international law
2.: Sources of international law
3.: The law of treaties
4.: Subjects of international law
5.: International law and municipal law
6.: International organisations
7.: State responsibility
8.: Territory, and the law of the sea
9.: The law of armed conflicts and the use of force
10.: Peace settlements of international disputes and the ICJ
11.: Jurisdiction
12.: International criminal law
13.: International environmental law
14.: International economic law