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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Law Society of Ireland: Human Rights Law 4th ed isbn 9780199652075

Law Society of Ireland: Human Rights Law 3rd ed

Edited by: Brid Moriarty, Eva Massa

ISBN13: 9780199576197
New Edition ISBN: 9780199652075
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199205493
Published: September 2010
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

The third edition of Human Rights Law provides trainee solicitors with an overview of the sources of human rights protection in Ireland, and will also prove invaluable to practitioners.

Included are chapters on substantive human rights law and a discussion of key human rights, as well as information on the incorporation of the ECHR into Irish law, Ireland's involvement in the UN and the right to liberty. The manual also offers guidance on refugee law and practice. The third edition has been fully updated to cover recent legislative changes in this area.

Legal Manuals, Irish Law
1: Foundations of Human Rights Law
2: Three spheres of HR protection in Ireland: an overview of the hierarchy
3: Human Rights protection in Ireland
4: The European Convention on Human Rights
5: Incorporation of the ECHR in Irish Law
6: International Human Rights Law
7: The role of the UN today: response to serious violations of Human Rights
8: Human Rights in EC/EU Law
9: Family and Child Law
10: The right to life and the right to bodily integrity
11: Equality
12: Due Process and the right to a fair trial
13: Freedom of Expression
14: Liberty
15: International Protection and Refugee Law
16: Immigration and Citizenship Law;