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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
A Practical Approach to Employment Law 9th ed isbn 9780198766544

A Practical Approach to Employment Law 8th ed

ISBN13: 9780199570621
New Edition ISBN: 9780198766544
Previous Edition ISBN: 019927374X
Published: September 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

Now in its eighth edition, A Practical Approach to Employment Law continues to provide a comprehensive and systematic guide to the principles and practice of employment law.

Containing coverage of all recent cases as well as important developments since the publication of the previous edition in 2005 such as the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 and the Employment Act 2008, this new edition provides a valuable introduction for professionals and students alike.

The A Practical Approach series is the perfect partner for practice work. Each title focuses on one field of the law, providing a comprehensive overview of the subject together with clear, practical advice and tips on issues likely to arise in practice. The books are also an excellent resource for those new to the law, where the expert overview and clear layout promote clarity and ease of understanding.

Employment Law
1: History
2: The Status of Employee
3: The Individual Contract of Employment and its Sources
4: Rights and Obligations of Employer and Employee
5: Statutory Regulation of Wages and Hours
6: The Duty of Fidelity and Restraint of Trade Clauses
7: Equal Pay
8: Sex and Race Discrimination
9: Disability Discrimination
10: Age Discrimination
11: Other Discrimination Provisions: Part-time and Fixed Term Workers, Religion or Belief and Sexual Orientation
12: Maternity, Parental and Domestic Care Rights, and Flexible Working
13: Continuity of Employment
14: The Scope of Statutory Protection: Unfair Dismissal and Redundancy
15: Termination of Contract and Wrongful Dismissal
16: Unfair Dismissal
17: Public Interest Disclosures, Dismissal and Detriment Claims
18: Redundancy Payments
19: Consultation about Redundancy
20: Transfers of Undertakings
21: Trade Unions and Collective Bargaining
22: Protection of Trade Union and Cognate Activities
23: Strikes and Other Industrial Action
24: Picketing and Public Order
25: Employment Law and Human Rights