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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
EU Administrative Law 3rd ed isbn 9780198831655

EU Administrative Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9780199568635
New Edition ISBN: 9780198831655
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199296811
Published: March 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9780199568628

The second edition of EU Administrative Law provides comprehensive coverage of the administrative system in the EU and the principles of judicial review that apply in this area.

The chapters in the first half of the book deal with all the principal variants of the EU administrative regime. Thus there are chapters dealing with the history and taxonomy of the EU administrative regime; direct administration; shared administration; Comitology; agencies; social partners and the open method of coordination.

The coverage throughout focuses on the legal regime that governs the particular form of administration and broader issues of accountability, drawing on literature from political science as well as law.

The focus in the second part of the book shifts to the principles of judicial review. There are detailed chapters covering all principles of judicial review and the discussion of the law throughout is analytical and contextual. The discussion in this part of the book begins with a chapter that considers the principles that have informed the development of EU judicial review.

This is followed by a chapter dealing with the judicial system and the way in which reform could impact on the subject matter of the book. There are then chapters dealing with competence; access; transparency; process; law, fact and discretion; rights; equality; legitimate expectations; two chapters on proportionality; the precautionary principle; two chapters on remedies; and the ombudsman. The book paints a comprehensive picture of administrative law as it exists in the EU today.

EU Law
Part I: Administration and Law
1: History and Typology
2: Crisis, Reform, and Constitutionalization
3: Centralized Management
4: Shared Management
5: Comitology
6: Agencies
7: Open Method of Coordination
8: Social Partners

Part II: Law and Administration
9: Foundations
10: Courts
11: Access
12: Process
13: Competence and Subsidiarity
14: Transparency
15: Law, Fact, and Discretion
16: Rights
17: Equality
18: Legitimate Expectations and Legal Certainty
19: Proportionality I: EU
20: Proportionality II: Member States
21: Precautionary Principle
22: Remedies I: EU
23: Remedies II: Member States
24: Ombudsman