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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
English Legal System in Context 6th ed isbn 9780199656561

English Legal System in Context 5th ed

ISBN13: 9780199567409
New Edition ISBN: 9780199656561
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780199289882
Published: August 2010
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print

English Legal System in Context provides a critical overview of the legal system, and establishes a sound theoretical framework within which to analyse the system.

It discusses the intricacies of the legal system, showing the blurred distinction between the legal and the non-legal, and the authors provide an insightful contextual analysis of the system and its main protagonists.

As well as the traditional core areas of the English legal system such as the courts, case law, legal professionals, and the civil and criminal proceedings, the authors discuss the police and their powers, the role of the CPS, private policing, the work of non-police agencies, and various methods of alternative dispute resolution.

Students will find the coverage of the legal profession of particular interest; this text is distinctive in its detailed examination of the role of law schools and law students in the development of the legal profession. With a clear, logical structure, and a wealth of references to take the reader further into the subject, this is a perceptive and wide-ranging study that explains and illuminates this fascinating subject.

English Legal System
1: What is 'the English legal system'?
2: The significance of courts
3: Courts in 'the English legal system'
4: Tribunals
5: English legal reasoning - the use of case law
6: English legal reasoning - reading statutes
7: The university law school and law students
8: Solicitors and barristers
9: Judges and judging
10: The civil court in action
11: Alternative dispute resolution
12: Private security and other non-police agencies
13: The public police - uncovering crime and powers of stop and search
14: Arrest and detention
15: Prosecutions
16: The magistrates' court
17: The Crown Court