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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition has been published, the details can be seen here:
Islamic Finance: Law and Practice 2nd ed isbn 9780198725237

Islamic Finance: Law and Practice

Edited by: Craig Nethercott, David Eisenberg

ISBN13: 9780199566945
New Edition ISBN: 9780198725237
Published: March 2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

Also available as

This work is a practical and commercial guide to the fundamental principles of Islamic finance and their application to Islamic finance transactions. Islamic finance is a rapidly expanding, global industry and this book is designed to provide a practical treatment of the subject. It includes discussion and analysis of the negotiation and structure involved in Islamic finance transactions, with relevant case studies, structure diagrams and precedent material supporting the commentary throughout.

An introductory section describes the theoretical background and explains the principles (and their sources) of Islamic law which underpin Islamic finance practices, providing an important backdrop to the work as a whole. The work also considers the role of Shariah supervisory boards, Islamic financial institutions and the relevance of accounting approaches.

The work adopts an international perspective to reflect the pan-global nature of the industry and accepted practices, with the aim to bring together different schools of thought applied in international Islamic finance transactions. It also highlights any regional differences in accepted practice by reviewing the position in the Gulf states, Asia, the UK and Europe and the USA.

The second part of the book concentrates on Islamic financial law in practice and begins with a section on financial techniques. This section explains the basic requirements for Islamic finance contracts both in terms of the underlying asset types and also both the applicability and acceptability of the underlying asset. There is a full discussion of the various types of contractual models such as Mudaraba (trustee finance), Musharaka (partnership or joint venture), Murabaha (sale of goods), and Sukuk (participation securities: coupons etc). The nascent area of Takaful (insurance) is also covered as are matters specific to the important field of project and asset finance.

Banking and Finance, Islamic Law
A. Introduction
1. Current Status of the Global Islamic Finance Industry
2. Source and Principles of Islamic Law in relation to Finance
3. Islamic Financial Institutions
4. Accounting Approaches
5. Corporate Governance for Institutions offering Islamic Financial Services
6. Shariah Supervisory Boards
7. Commentary on the Global Landscape
B. Islamic Law and Contracts in Practice
8. Financial Techniques
9. Types of Contractual Models
10. Takaful (Insurance)
11. Other Key Legal and Structural Aspects
12. Project and Asset Finance
13. Conclusion